Meet The Team.
The people at Enigma that make it all happen.
Stylist / Colour Specialist
Laura loves a challenge and is always increasing her knowledge of our trade taking any opportunity to go on hand picked courses to learn new skills in our ever changing world of colouring techniques. Colouring isn't Laura's only string to her bow she also can turn her hand to all the styling and finishing that's needed to make sure you leave feeling totally pampered . If its something different your after then don't hesitate to call or pop in and she will sit you down and chat over what is best for you and your hair. Laura also loves to travel and some of her holiday destinations are a joy to hear about.
Annick will whisk you away into her little calm bubble with her delicate French tones she is happy to converse in perfect English or to make it feel total magic you can try your hand at a little French banter. Annick has lived in Winchester for some time now so You cant miss her flying around town on her trusty bike . Her cutting and styling skills are a joy to watch and even more to behold. With her attention to detail and high professional standards what more could you ask for.
Stylist / Colour Specialist
Karen Is one of the many staff that started from school a little while ago now. Since then two wonderful bundles of joy added to her family and a little time away on maternity leave she is back offering her big smile and a friendly welcome attached to her full list of skills , Karen is also totally passionate about all things hair which always shows in her clients happy faces as they leave.
Where it all started
Enigma started back in the 90s with a strong family ethos and working as a couple to start with. When we had extra young children Nicki came out of the salon but still keeps her hand in with looking after her clients from their homes. Both of us were locally trained before the time of YouTube and the internet. It was the time of the hands on apprenticeship and this is why I still feel nothing beats working from the ground up within a salon environment.. Our industry is still as great as ever but is constantly evolving, this is where education comes into it and the drive to always be looking for new ideas to pass on to the team.
Creative Learner
Belle is just starting her journey into this amazing industry. She has had a small head start because she is the daughter of the owner, from a young age she has has the pleasure of watching her Mum and Dad snip away. But now its her turn to make her own path of sucess with in the indrusty.
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01962 877217
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6 parchment street
Winchester, Hants, SO238AT
United Kingdom
Enigma Hair Design© 2022